
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Every Ninety-Four Seconds Planned Parenthood Aborts a Life – Obama Asks God to “Bless” Their Work

 By Darla Dawald, National Director
 Patriot Action Alerts

Today, President Barrack Hussein Obama spoke to the National Planned Parenthood Conference in the nation’s capital.  He is the first actively serving American president to do so.

In his speech, he pledged his unending support for the organization’s cause of unrestrained worldwide abortion on demand.  The president thanked America’s leading abortion provider for the “lives they have saved” and asked God to “Bless” them for their work.

During his twelve minute speech, the president chose not to use the word “Abortion,” electing instead, to use the word “choice.”

The President spent 720 seconds lauding Planned Parenthood for the “Lives they saved.” That means that during Obama’s speech, 7.69 unborn children’s lives were terminated at Planned Parenthood facilities across the nation.

article (including videos) continues here 


 Darla Dawald is the National Director of Patriot Action Network, a Grassfire Nation social network website.

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