
Saturday, April 27, 2013

This is Not Our First Rodeo, But is it Our Last?

By Patti Maguire Armstrong

For those who think the world has gone mad, remember this is not our first rodeo. Sanity has only been with us in bits and pieces throughout history. Evil and persecution is a mainstay on this planet. For a time, some of us were lured into complacency back when television was wholesome, babies were protected blessings, and it seemed we all agreed on what was evil and what was good.

But changes in attitude are happening fast and furiously–emphasis on furious. For instance, it seems like just yesterday (1996 to be exact) that it was safe to defend traditional marriage. That was the year Bill and Hillary Clinton supported the Defense of Marriage Act, defining marriage as between one man and one woman only to later change their minds. Now, if you say you are in favor of traditional marriage, you will be persecuted faster than you can say Chick-Fil-A.

Let’s not be surprised, however. “Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.” (John 15:20).

article continues here 

 Patti Maguire Armstrong and her husband have ten children. She is a writer with Teresa Tomeo Communications, an award-winning author, and was managing editor and co-author of Ascension Press’s Amazing Grace Series. She has appeared on TV and radio stations across the country.

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