
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Planned Parenthood has posted its list of "enemies."

This demonically driven, evil organization that murders children, hides and covers up child rape to protect its slaughter houses, sells for profit the body parts of the children they butcher, pedals pornography under the guise of sex education, sells chemical death to women as "health", and targets our teens with the most vile, soul-killing perversion possible LISTS YOUR AMERICAN LIFE LEAGUE  (ALL) AS ENEMY NUMBER ONE.

Thank you Jesus! Planned Parenthood, you are darn right we are enemy number one, and you should be afraid. They fear ALL because we tell the truth. We will not back down and we have Christ as our head. We have helped close sixty-seven of their slaughter houses in the last four years. We have helped spearhead defunding efforts of Planned Parenthood nationally and on a state-to-state level. And we WILL NOT STOP.

The "Evil Empire" of Planned Parenthood has the unconditional support of your government, and they use your tax dollars to fund their child killing and their sickening, sexually perverse, pagan ideology. We cannot battle the devil alone. We need your support. We must have your support. David is facing Goliath, but through your prayers and your incredible generosity, we will continue to be the Achilles Heel of the devil himself.

Our esteemed "Christian" President headlines their fundraisers, he has authorized billions of additional dollars of funding for Planned Parenthood through his insidious Obamacare. All of it intended to kill children, maim and scar mothers of dead children, crush virtue and Christian ideals and morality in the name of sexual anarchy, and further marginalize Christians and our beliefs.

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