
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


From Lila Rose, President

Live Action

Think Planned Parenthood is taking a summer vacation? Think again.

Planned Parenthood – the largest abortion corporation in America – is ramping up its abortion machine for a massive summer pro-abortion campaign.

Well, Live Action is also working around the clock on your behalf to halt Big Abortion’s momentum. Our Inhuman investigation has been exposing late-term abortion facilities across the country – facilities willing to destroy born babies who survive failed abortion attempts.

Planned Parenthood is on record supporting this shocking practice. This kind of barbarism cannot go unanswered. But we urgently need your help to get this done. And that’s why I’m writing you today.

To make matters worse, ObamaCare will soon kick into high gear. I don’t have to remind you what this means: pro-life Americans will soon be forced to pay for other people’s abortions – whether you like it or not.

No surprise, then, that Planned Parenthood, who stands to profit handsomely, is spending the summer aggressively advertising for this massive abortion payout program. Even if you’re pro-life, you will eat the bill for Planned Parenthood’s anti-life, pro-abortion marketing and propaganda.

Is this how you want your money spent? Planned Parenthood will be working all through your summer vacation to make sure they get their abortions – and your money for their dirty business.

...But we'll be working, too. Our team is ready to send Big Abortion to where it should be: exposed, defunded, and shut down. On the ash heap of history. Help us finish them.

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