
Saturday, June 29, 2013

I'm hopping mad about Prop 8! And you (Californians) should be too!


Dear Friends,

Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled that the proponents of Prop 8 had no standing to defend it in federal court.

I was a spokeswoman for Prop 8. We spent $40 million on it. We had 70,000 individual contributors from all walks of life and all income levels. We had 100,000 volunteers, from across the religious spectrum. Our masters in Sacramento don't agree with our views. So, when some Hollywood leftists invent absurd legal challenges to Prop 8, our masters in Sacramento refuse to defend it. Surprise, surprise.

And now the Supreme Court tells us to sit down and shut up.

I do not plan to be silent. The scorched earth tactics of the Sexual Revolutionaries are now taking down democracy itself. This is too high a price to pay for the supposed benefits of sexual "freedom." This is not just a liberal or conservative issue, not just a religious issue, not just a "gay marriage" issue, and certainly not just a California issue. This lawless attack on democracy affects all Americans.

The enemies of the natural family are gathering strength. They are pressing in against us on all sides. We need to speak out while we still can.

Here is what I want you to do. Please write letters to the editors of your local newspapers and on-line forums. I have created a sample letter below for you to use.

When your letter is published, send us the link. We will tell our followers on the Ruth blog, facebook page, and newsletter list about your success.

And, we will send you a free pdf of my important booklet, "The Socialist Attack on the Family." This hard-hitting essay makes it very clear that the enemies of the family are also the enemies of individual liberty and limited government. You will want to read and share this with your libertarian or fiscal conservative friends.

This booklet normally retails for $7 on our website. But I will send it to you with our compliments, because I am so grateful for your willingness to DO SOMETHING to take a stand for marriage.

I am not taking this lying down. I hope you won't either.

Your friend,
Dr. Morse

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