
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Texas Govenor Perry second special Legislative session to consider pro-life bill HB 2, The Pro-Life Omnibus Bill, - hashtag - Tweet - NBC Phone poll - Life Blast

Tuesday, July 02 - Austin TX. - Please join us at the 12:00 pm., at the House & Senate hearings on Pro-Life legislation to increase protection for women & unborn babies at abortion facilities in TX.


P Susan Parker posted in Pro-Life Waco

More details are now available for those...
P Susan Parker6:56pm Jun 28
More details are now available for those wishing to participate in the second special session called by Gov. Perry on Wednesday.

The pro-life bill causing all the ruckus on Tuesday has a new number for this special session. SB5 is now HB 2. HB 2 will be heard in the State Affairs committee on Tuesday at noon.

So, those planning to go to Austin on Monday at 2 may want to change plans. While showing up at hearings, and testifying, is important, NOTHING can replace a call or better yet, a personal visit to your rep and senator while you're there. Please contact them Monday morning expressing your position on the new pro-life bill, HB 2. If you are going on Tuesday, pro-lifers have asked that other pro-lifers wear blue. Probably because the other side followed the same model last week wearing orange shirts.

I don't know which pro-life orgs have organized this, for those who asked. Again, if you planned to go on Monday, there will probably be less activity than on Tuesday, but will be a great time to call on your legislators.

Texas #Prolife Bill Action Alert: Call 817-200-7797 to vote NOW in the NBC Phone poll which asks whether abortion should be included on the agenda of the 2nd special legislative session. Press "1" to vote YES in this poll. Call now to vote! (takes 20 seconds)

Update: we will now be using the #Stand4Life...
Dyanne Gonzales9:17pm Jun 28
Update: we will now be using the #Stand4Life hashtag.

Gov. Rick Perry has called for a second special session at the Texas Legislature so that the Pro-Life Omnibus Bill can be voted on again.

HB2 (Former SB5) the Omnibus Pro Life Bill has been filed. The bill will be heard in the House State Affairs Committee on Tuesday, July 2nd at 12:00 noon.

**Students for Life of America is sponsoring a Texas #Stand4Life Team to head to the Texas State Capitol the week of July 8th - email Brendan O'Morchoe at to join in or get more information!

Senate Bill 5 "The Pro-Life Omnibus Bill" would:
- ban abortion after 20 weeks (when science shows that the unborn can feel pain)
- require that abortion clinics follow the same health and safety regulations that ambulatory surgical centers are held to
- require that abortionists secure admitting privileges at local hospitals
- require that doctors to personally administer chemical (RU486) abortions, rather than dangerously sending a woman home before the child is expelled.


Don't #StandWithWendy - #stand4life

#stand4life and against Texas Gosnells!

When you #StandWithWendy, you protect all Texas Gosnells #stand4life

Stopping abortions at 5 months is NOT extreme, those who support abortion are the extremists #stand4life

#stand4life and you stand with 62% of Texas who support banning abortion at 20 weeks

Gallup: 64% oppose 2nd trimester abortion #stand4life

Anesthesia is given to babies for fetal surgery at same age babies are killed by painful abortions #stand4life

Dismemberment abortions painfully rip & tear unborn babies apart #stand4life

Dr: “human fetus possesses ability 2 experience pain from 20 wks of gestation, if not earlier” #stand4life

Event Hosts:
- Americans United for Life
- Stand True Pro-life Outreach
- Students for Life of America
- Texas Alliance for Life

Email if your group is interested in co-hosting.


                 Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Pro-life friends and supporters: URGENT! Call 512-463-2000 
at the Capitol and let them know that as a constituent of 
Governor Perry, you would like him to hold a second session 
regarding SB5. 

They are tallying up phone calls in support of this bill, 
and it only takes 30 seconds of your time.

Follow more big developments on the issue here: 

As well as more moment to moment updates here:

Beneath the cross,

Bobby Reynoso
Executive Director 
4012 East 29th Street
Bryan, Texas 77802
Phone: (979) 846-2825
Fax: (979) 846-0389


Hi everyone! Earlier this week the pro-aborts used social media and aggressive tactics at the TX State Capitol to dominate coverage of The TX #ProLife Omnibus Bill. Now it's our turn to use social media for LIFE.

Please click the above button "Invite Friends" and invite all your friends to participate in Tuesday's TweetFest. We are going to make history. Join us!


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