
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

National Day of Remembrance - Saturday, September 14, 2013

From Father Pavone

One of the most important pro-life projects of this year is scheduled for this September. It is a special prayer and educational initiative taking place between now and September, and culminating on Saturday, September 14, 2013.

It is called the “National Day of Remembrance.” Sponsored by three national pro-life groups (Priests for Life, Pro-life Action League, and Citizens for a Pro-life Society), this project raises awareness about the approximately thirty locations around the United States where the bodies of babies killed by abortion are buried. Some of these graves contain thousands of babies in one burial plot! We are going to tell the stories of how these bodies were recovered and buried, and in fact, some of you will help us tell these stories, because you may have been involved in the original burial services.

Moreover, we are calling for simultaneous memorial services to be held at each of these locations on Saturday, September 14. We are recruiting local clergy and laity to assist in preparing and promoting these services. Would you be willing to assist us? You can find the locations of the gravesites, and the links at which you can indicate your willingness to help by clicking on this link.

Not only will these services raise awareness about abortion, but they will also provide opportunities for an urgent call to healing after abortion. Our work with Rachel’s Vineyard and the Silent No More Awareness Campaign have taught us that the opportunity to grieve at a gravesite, or have a memorial service, is an important step in the healing process. This Day of Remembrance will bring a great deal of healing to many people, and kindle in them new hope.

Thank you in advance for your enthusiastic involvement and promotion of this project!

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