
Thursday, June 13, 2013

What Is Human? NEW Investigative Video Putting a Face On Abortion


From Lila Rose

Our latest release features newly released recordings from Dr. Carmen Landau, of Southwest Women's Options in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and a counselor employed at the same facility.

When asked flat-out by our 27-week pregnant investigator if what she's carrying is a baby, the counselor answers:

Well what – how – what do you consider a baby? It's definitely a fetus. ... Um, it depends what the term "baby" means to you, and how you perceive it.

When asked if the possibility of the pre-born baby feeling pain bothers her, the New Mexico counselor replies:

I feel that it's, um, necessary for the procedure to happen and, ultimately, um, safest, and kind of the most, kinda, humane way to do it, you know?

Abortion doctor Carmen Landau tells the investigator that the injection that will kill her baby is "like any shot, you know, like a flu shot, or a vaccine, really." Contrary to a large body of evidence, she alleges that babies in the womb do not feel pain or anguish from a poisonous injection, claiming that "it's not like you and I [sic] where when we get a flu shot, we're kind of, 'Ugh!' – not – that – that – that experience of anxiety and suffering is not – it [the baby]'s not capable of."

Of course, these babies, whom Carmen Landau calls not a thinking being, are unique and precious human persons. They feel, they dream, they grow...and when an abortionist tries to kill them with a needle or with forceps, they react. They fight for their lives, just as any of us would.

Our investigation has exposed the disturbing willingness of abortionists to engage in illegal and inhuman acts, including misleading pregnant women, pushing them into abortion, and even infanticide. This is horrible, but Americans should know just as well the horrifying practices that are still legal, that we allow to happen every day.

What our video investigation is uncovering, along with what we have learned from the trial of late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell and from the whistle-blowers from Douglas Karpen's facility, is that this is abuse. Abortion doctors, counselors, and other staff describe "stop[ping] the fetal heart," a needle being inserted through the baby's head, an "intrauterine demise." They describe babies becoming "mushy," and how they "literally go in and grab and pull pieces out." They refer to these babies as human beings, and carry out these inhuman practices on them anyway.

Every human being is unique and precious from the moment of conception. But abortionists will not give even these babies – 24 weeks, 27 weeks, viable, capable of surviving outside the womb – the dignity of humanity. So we want to put the question in every American's head: if not even these babies are worthy of humanity in the abortionist's eyes, then what is human? What does "human" even mean?

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