
Friday, July 19, 2013


Governor Kasich deserves a lot of credit, along with Speaker Batchelder and Senate President Keith Faber and other members of the Ohio General Assembly who enacted 5 historical pro-life provisions in the 130th General Assembly Biennium Budget.

OCA President Chris Long made the following statement, "We commend Governor Kasich and members of the Ohio General Assembly for their leadership and initiative to enact these pro-life provisions. OCA has been surveying candidates for over two decades as to their position on the life issue. We specifically survey regarding the defunding of Planned Parenthood, and we are pleased to see meaningful legislation enacted that will restrict funding to the nation's number one abortion provider - Planned Parenthood.

The ultrasound provision along with the new health regulations for abortion clinics will go a long way to saving unborn innocent life in Ohio. Studies have shown that when women hear the heartbeat of their unborn child, they are more likely to carry the baby to term. Let us pray that these provisions have a strong impact to protect innocent human unborn life."

Here are the 5 pro-life provisions in the State of Ohio 2013 Biennium Budget:

 1. Defunding of Planned Parenthood. (OCA has surveyed candidates for years on the defunding of Planned Parenthood)

2.  New funding for crisis pregnancy centers. (Ohio Parenting and Pregnancy Support Act)

3. Additional safety regulations for abortion facilities.

4. Public hospital ban on transfer agreements with abortion facilities.

5. Heartbeat informed consent requirement. Requires that all women must have an ultrasound detecting the unborn baby’s heartbeat.

 Ohio Christian Alliance is a non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting Judeo-Christian values in American government. Ohio Christian Alliance does not endorse any particular candidate or political party. OCA provides educational materials, including voter guides and scorecards.

1 comment:

  1. Here a model for the rest of our states to follow. If Ohio can do, so can other states!
