
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Priests for Life asks Legal Group to Pose Questions to Medical Examiner re Gosnell Babies

Press Release from Father Frank Pavone

Philadelphia, PA -- In anticipation of the public prayer vigil that Priests for Life will hold in front of the Medical Examiner's office tomorrow morning, a letter is being sent this morning to the Philadelphia Medical Examiner by an attorney representing the Alliance Defending Freedom. The letter, sent at the request of Priests for Life and other leaders who have joined this effort, demands that the Medical Examiner's office tell the public what is being done with the bodies of the children discovered in Kermit Gosnell's clinic, and that the Medical Examiner release the bodies for a proper burial.

"We have made our request very public over the last few months; now we want public answers," explained Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, who had a widely-publicized service in May during which the babies were given names. "We intend to have a public funeral for these babies, and thousands of people have likewise expressed to the Medical Examiner their desire to see this happen. And they do not understand the reason for the delay."

The letter from Alliance Defending Freedom states in part:

"[T]he public must be told where the bodies currently are. This is particularly relevant where the unclaimed victims are related to such a public, notorious criminal prosecution, followed closely by the media in all respects….
"Proper burial is the right thing to do, for the human dignity of the babies themselves, for the healing of post-abortive women, and for the future and conscience of Philadelphia and the nation….This is what a civilized society does with its dead."

The letter has been sent also on behalf of the ministries that Priests for Life operates for the healing of those who have experienced abortion, that is, Rachel's Vineyard and the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. The letter goes on to state:

"Post-abortive women are often left with intense, unresolved grief even decades after their abortion. Just as anyone who has experienced a pregnancy loss, what little comfort is available often comes in the form of a memorial. Memorials following pregnancy loss are supported by the Obama Administration, the Mayo Clinic, and the March of Dimes, among others. Whole ministries are devoted to providing post-abortive women, men, and families with the memorial – and healing – they never had, and affirming their grief; these include Signatories Silent No More Awareness and Rachel’s Vineyard."

Tomorrow morning (Friday, July 19), a prayer vigil will be held in front of the Medical Examiner's office at 321 University Ave from 10 to 11am Eastern Time. The public is invited to participate. Connect with the event on Facebook at For additional information, and to pray in union with this event, see

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