
Saturday, August 17, 2013

A report on Planned Parenthood Presented at the Warminster Township Supervisors Meeting

Pictured is the Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility in Warminster, PA

 On Thursday, August 15th, the Warminster Township Supervisors held their monthly meeting.  Long time pro-life advocate, Terry Noble, a resident of Warminster, was asked to talk about the local Planned Parenthood Abortion facility.  Below is a report from Bill Miller, former president of the Bucks County Pro-life Coalition and also a long time pro-life advocate. 

Pro-Life advocate Teresa Noble was granted permission to make a 5 minute public comment (after the regular meeting agenda was completed. By that time many of the people interested only in their item on the Agenda had left and did not have the benefit to hear Terry's presentation concerning the continuation of the murder every Friday morning of approximately 18 -20 innocent unborn babies. again approx. 86/month, and 1032 annually since the killing began in January 2000.

After Teresa Noble spoke, Teresa Snyder took the microphone and seconded all that her predecessor had spoken. After just about everyone had left, a man came forward and questioned the Supervisors as to any leverage they might have to deny certain types of businesses permits to operate. They said to put it briefly that they have the authority to deny any enterprise that is brreaking the law.

Finally another man came forward to make a few comments to refresh the current Supervisors how the Township zoning officer recommended PP be allowed to open as a out patient surgical clinic, he remarked that they would be no different than a podiarist or dental office which already have approved zoning.

He also made a comment to a few pro-Life people who met with him at his office that abortion is just another form of birth control. They tried to reason with him, but it was already obvious Planned Parenthood convinced him the "good" they would be doing for the young women who came into their "clinic" for their "services". He also mentioned they had bullet proof windows installed to protect them from the violent Pro-Lifers. The Pro-Life representatives explained to him is the only violence taking place at 610 Louis Drive in Warminster is inside Planned Parenthood, in the expectant mother's womb. 

continue reading at 

The primary mission of the Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition is to provide financial support to area Crisis Pregnancy Homes that protect women from being forced or coerced into having abortions. These homes provide shelter and medical assistance to the expectant mother and her baby after it is born.

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