
Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Step Further: An Interview with Abby Johnson

by Sylvia Dorham, FCP

Abby Brannam-Johnson, former Planned Parenthood worker, whose journey to a pro-life point of view is chronicled in her best-selling book, Unplanned, recently began her studies to become a Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner.

Although suffering from a debilitating pregnancy-related condition, she took time to answer some questions about how she came to Creighton when I caught up with her at her home on May 2, 2013.

You've told the story in other places about how you realized you needed to stop contracepting. Tell the story of how you were introduced to NFP.
 A couple of my "new" friends (since I had lost all of my friends at the clinic) were NFP users. I had always believed NFP was ineffective and always told myself that I would never be one of  those dupes that actually believed you could prevent pregnancy with a calendar. I really didn't know what NFP was and how it worked. I only knew what I had been told by Planned Parenthood...which was not accurate information. One of my friends was using it for PCOS and that really got me looking into it. I realized that it had to be more scientific than I originally thought.

What were your thoughts that led you to decide to teach it?
I really saw it as a way to minister to women and men. I am so committed to helping people understand the dangers of contraception, it just seemed like a natural next step. I love NFP and I really wanted others to see how wonderful it was.

How did you choose a model? 
The Creighton Model is very scientific and medical. It can help couples with infertility. It can help with diagnosed gynecological conditions. I knew that I would have a hard time getting pregnant after my Mirena IUD was removed, so I wanted to go with the model that would be most effective with infertility.

On your blog,, you call yourself  'a fighter, a defender of women.' How does teaching NFP fit into this calling?
I feel like we are fighting against a contraceptive culture. Women are tricked into believing that birth control is the ONLY thing that can help them with their health and with their futures. My goal is to show them a better way and to defend them from this contraceptive mentality that runs rampant in our society.

How does NFP fit into being pro-life?
Well, if we believe as pro-lifers that life begins at conception, then we MUST be against hormonal birth control, as it can take the life of a newly-conceived child. It seems pretty simple to me. My goal is to help other people see that connection.

How can we do a better job of 'selling' NFP?
I think we just have to sell facts. Once people know the truth about NFP and how it really works, NFP sells itself.

Unity issues in the pro-life community are similar to unity issues in the greater NFP community. How do we create unity?
In any community there will always be a sort of competition. I don't think it is a problem unless it starts to damage our message. I support all of the NFP methods, but personally feel like the Creighton model is superior...simply because I have used it myself and I have seen it work for so many couples. But that doesn't mean the other methods aren't valuable. We all have to support what we believe is best. The overlying issue is whether we believe some type of NFP is suitable for all women...and I hope we do.

Will being an FCP be your primary focus, or do you plan to keep up your speaking schedule?
I will continue to do both. Eventually, I hope to move into being an FCP in a more full-time capacity. As I go around and speak, it is an opportunity to educate the public about NFP.

Your message focuses on loving the workers of the abortion movement and hating the sin of abortion. How can Jane Everyday do the most good for the unborn and their mothers?
We just all have to find our calling in the pro-life movement...and I do believe that everyone has one. With one in three women having abortions in just our country alone, it is no longer enough to just pray at home. We must be active and do everything we can to spread the pro-life message. It is time for us to step out of our comfort zones and get very uncomfortable. Lives depend on it.

Finally, you're addressing Creighton practitioners and NaPro Doctors - what would you like to tell them?
I would like to simply encourage them to keep on spreading the truth. We are going against the grain and are trying to create a paradigm shift. It is not an easy task, but we must be committed.  The more we talk about our work, the more we will encourage others to join us in this fight.  Visit for more information about this courageous pro-life woman

Abby Johnson is an author and pro-life advocate. 

Sylvia Dorham, FCP is a Pro-life author, speaker and voice-over artist. She is also a Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner.

The Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner education program can be completed in as little as thirteen months. Graduates of the program are considered allied health professionals. The educational program beginning September 14, 2013 will be sponsored by the Marguerite d'Youville FertilityCare Center of Manchester, NH. More information at 

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