
Tuesday, September 24, 2013


 By Nancy Oliver

"If Harry Reid kills this bill in this Senate, I think the House should hold its ground and begin passing smaller continuing resolutions one department at a time," Cruz said.

Each CR is composed of individual department CRs:
1. Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food and Drug Administration
2. Commerce, Justice, and Science
3. Defense
4. Energy and Water Development
5. Financial Services and General Government (includes judicial branch, the Executive Office of the President, and District of Columbia appropriations)
6. Homeland Security
7. Interior and Environment
8. Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education
9. Legislative Branch
10. Military Construction and Veterans Affairs
11. State and Foreign Operations
12. Transportation and Housing and Urban Development

I highlighted one department where we might de-fund Obama Care but in all actuality it is so rooted in so many departments and all of which President Obama knows more so than I do. Any department that de-funds Obama Care the namesake can veto.

The problem with a bunch of small CR’s is time consuming of which should have begun months ago…if the R’s have those then fine…put them out there and like as soon as Reid strips the Defund Obama Care part of the House Continuing Resolution Budget then sends it back to the House to revise or hold on as Senator Cruz suggested.  Still President Obama will just have more bills to sign. But, when it comes to a bill that defunds his signature piece of legislation he can veto. If he veto’s then that whole department is in danger of shutting down which just what is that department(s)? Some I won’t mind one bit like the extra so called ‘councilors’ to guide the people through signing up for Obama Care or the IRS which is in charge of implementing it. Others like the Department of Health and Human Services, well we have many who need those benefits and do we think funding it but not Obama Care will work with Sebelius? If we shut her down then we are going to hear about how “heartless” those Republicans are with each sob story some of them surely justified to make us sob as well.

If not a bunch of Continuing Resolutions then one CR that includes defunding Obama Care looks like we have no budget for the next cycle and the government is likely to shut down. In this economy and with the big microphone of President Obama as well as the media in his hip pocket the likelihood of even Senator Ted Cruz being heard the loudest is moot.

Reid has his tools and none of the R’s can take them away being the minority. Even at that President Obama cannot line item veto…but he can veto the whole budget if the House continues to stand with Cruz, Paul and Lee; there again…no budgets not even a Continuing Resolution which basically freezes spending at the current level, so the Feds shut down and again in this part time work recovery we surely do not need those in need voting on empty stomachs or memories of much needed government assistance gone because of the drum beat from the left of those dirty Republicans. If we think President Obama (please forgive any that will jump on the respectful term as I need to be more professional here.) tried to play up the sequester cuts as much as he possibly could we have seen nothing yet if the government is shut down simply by his own power or coupled with that Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid. (In my opinion he earns the conservative nickname, Dirty Harry.)

We simply do not have the time nor do the Republicans have the co-operation from the Democrats as enough to stand with them or to even compromise. In short and point blank one cannot reason with narrow minded unreasonable individuals. One cannot negotiate with those who will not negotiate. Boehner is not the problem…neither are the spineless Republicans in either chamber. It is the opposition that we cannot change direction with. The problem is not with our own right selves as in the general problem that causes the dysfunctional government we have going on in DC. Trying to deal with those unified to push the agenda of the current POTUS is the problem and we will not defeat if we keep dividing.

I love rebel rousers as I am one myself…but smart rebel rousing is what we need. Not those inexperienced but those who stand as firm as they can which with Reid and Obama still holding the aces.. well our hand is weak. I don’t care who talks the talk to walk the walk is the important thing and that Cruz, Lee and Paul have right. But still one has to walk the smart path, not the one loaded with quick sand. In the same vein I have never been a Rove fan and really dislike agreeing with him on anything really irks me. However, Rove has this one right. And when the Democrats especially Obama goes across the country and our television screens which the majority of the country watches such as the CBS, NBC, ABC evening news then it will be heard the Republicans shut down DC over 1% of the budget. Obama Care was passed funded and all the Continuing Resolution does is freeze the spending but it also does not increase the spending. It can only cross out discretionary spending…not mandatory. Obama Care like it or not was PASSED and signed into law…Obama got his second term and his signature legislation will be there until we get a POTUS who will end it as law and we have a congress to pull that thing out by the roots. That is not going to happen now.

Senator Ted Cruz can honestly be viewed as one who stands on his principle and talking convincingly to sway conservatives to his cause…he gains a national platform, but he actually cannot deliver. He and the others are in check mate. No move they can make unless they can quit preaching to the choir and preach to the liberals that control the Senate. They have to bring those aboard before they can bring the other Republican Senators. Time is short so start convincing the other side…not the red side of the aisle.

What I see is campaign issues, not effective governing. But, we have a problem now…in fact two due to this push instead of building on the steam we already had. That steam was postponing the law for all as Obama Care is not ready for prime time. The Unions may have even gotten on board with the Republican strategy. The Republicans could have pushed that Congress and Big Business got waivers but the people have not. If Obama can pick and choose how and who to implement the law on then this is not fair to the people in general…it is not fair to any but elitist so the voters…who cares in the party of the blue? The IRS targeting conservatives yes, but it is viewed by liberals too as a dangerous agency and Obama Care needs the IRS to implement the law.

Obama as long as he is POTUS will not let go of his signature achievement. We cannot fight being a minority nor will we defeat the POTUS.  We have to play politics right now and play smart as well. We have got to win the Senate 2014! The Tea Party I once held much pride in but being too far right has not won them elections, even if they are primarily right…they are not being smart and acting with wisdom. In 2012 the Tea Party put up 14 candidates of which 12 lost; Far cry from 2010 when they were most effective. Maybe they should return to what gained for conservatives which too rebel rousing but it also was what brought the conservatives out to a “shellacking” on President Obama.

I like my Senator Cruz even if I chose to vote for experience over rhetoric. Sure Cruz has some qualifications to be a conservative and effective Senator for the Lone Star State but so does Dewhurst plus the experience in the Dew court lends Texas with more wisdom than rhetoric alone. That is what is lacking in the Cruz/Paul/Lee platform.

The lacking is also dangerous to the Republican Party for a win of the Senate and to keep the House as well in 2014. To battle the blue is already a tremendous feat but when we think of throwing out those we see are RINO’S (because they realize REALITY) is not a strategy we need to take on as well. We will have too much of a mountain range to climb to overcome and be successful. WE need to gain both chambers then we can weed out the moderates or liberal Republicans in the next rounds which too will be a tremendous feat alone.  One thing that really gripped me about the spending on such fool hearted agenda as to defund the legislation that the current POTUS alone can simply veto was the spending in such places as Kentucky calling Mitch McConnell chicken. Kentucky is a state that can turn blue in a heartbeat and McConnell already had a narrow victory to win re-election. Even small numbers of disenfranchised with the Republican voters can turn that seat blue. Therefore we are kicking our strategy to turn the Senate Red in 2014.

Most conservatives will not agree with me on any so far but I will add more upon the disagreement. If Reid and Obama stay the course which they seem to be on it then what will save the party is Boehner falling on the sword and changing course back to what he tried to push to begin with. Can the Republicans gain postponing now…well that will be seen as well but in all actuality maybe there is a shred of hope there.

To understand the whole situation then knowledge is key. Not rhetoric. WE have to see the other side too and realize we are playing right now into Obama's plan. If we continue...well a change of party in the White House too we will have an even tougher time to beat the likes of Hilary or some liberal candidate in 2016. WATCH YOUR STEPS CONSERVATIVES!

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