
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Forty Days for Life Banned in the Adelaide Archdiocese in Australia


Text of video is below:

For the record .. here is another story you will not hear first-reported by the lapdog,
Catholic Establishment Media .. a catholic bishop in Australia has put the ki-bosh on the incredibly successful 40 Days for Life Campaign in his diocese.

The pro-life movement goes and prays outside abortion chambers around the clock for 40 straight days and nights, but apparently that’s just too radical and “not of one voice” for liberals in the Church.

Adelaide Archbishop Phillip Wilson .. former head of the Australian bishops conference has had his underlings issue a statement that no parishes are allowed to publicize or encourage involvement in the 40 Days Campaign.

If you look up the definition of pathetic in the dictionary, you see a map of the
archdiocese of Adelaide as the illustration.

Here’s the official reason given from the communiqué:

"The Archbishop, in his Pastoral Letters and other communications speaks for the whole church in expressing our care", and "In these ways the Archdiocese speaks with a united voice under the leadership of Archbishop Wilson and our message and structures of accountability are clear.

This is not always so among other organizations..."

That’s right! Large groups of committed Catholics praying outside killing factories for the killing to end are so out of step with the Church’s “one voice” that they must not be promoted or even talked about.

However .. if you check out the same archdiocese page .. link attached .. you will find on full display, a glaring double standard – the promotion of a liberal climate change group.

BTW – check out the link to our CIA report from a couple of years ago on the phony climate change movement and its REAL goals and how many Catholic establishment types are going along with it.

Is it the case that the pro-life crowd’s actions or intentions are not always clear because the message and structures are not clear .. but when it comes to stupid junk science with a political agenda of population control and government taxation, well they are govern a pass and even more .. actually promoted.
This is just more of the same old stuff that has become the new normal in the Church these days .. where liberal off the rail bishops and pretending to be orthodox archbishops and cardinals say and run their little fiefdoms like they are gods and determine who is Catholic and who is not.

In various locations in America .. pro-life Catholics .. who generally tend to be much more orthodox than the clergy in their diocese are routinely dumped on and ignored an stupid excuses .. like that issuing from the Australian diocese of Adelaide coming poring out of the chancery advising prudence and caution and every other kind of chicanery is employed against these good people.

These Catholics care about the life of these babies. They care about the eternal lives of the killer doctors and the mothers and yet THEY have become the enemies in the current modernist establishment.

We need to understand .. these kinds of things are all part and parcel of a massive
demolition of the Church that has been undertaken and ongoing now for years .. so it can be swept aside and at the same time replaced with a Church where man is the center. Whether many of these clergy know it or not, they are participating in this action and they will have to give an account to Almighty God for the destruction they have reined down on Holy Mother Church.

They want to sidle up to governments and powerful politicians and huge government budgets and curry favor with men, many of whom have evil designs, just so their own weak effeminate psyches can be placated and they can feel powerful and important. If they want to engage in that activity, then resign your offices and take up a career in politics, which many of you have proved very capable at judging from your record.

Catholics who love the Church must wake up and realize what is being done to Her by many of the very men who have been ordained to the fullness of the priesthood to protect Her.

To essentially ban any promotion of a pro-life effort .. which by the way .. was initiated by another Catholic bishop .. Julian Porteus .. a fine man is beyond the pale. And to those who keep their Pollyanna heads stuck in the sand saying how well things are going .. wake up and realize that in a few short years there will be virtually nothing left of the Church.

She is being transformed by traitors and the few faithful Catholics that are left or will be left – will be the object of persecution by this man developed institution that has little or no resemblance to the Holy Catholic Church other than a few outward decorations .. the purpose of which will be to keep up appearances – exactly like Queen Elizabeth I of England did nearly 500 years ago.

She gutted the Church but kept it LOOKING catholic so the stupid masses wouldn’t notice a real difference. These types of stories are legion .. of unfaithful bishops, traitors to the faith .. desirous of rebuilding and re-shaping the Church in their own image. Some are obvious, others are very clever and crafty – a cleverness and craftiness that we can only pray they have abandoned before they meet Our Blessed Lord at their deaths.

We have attached a link here to one of Australia's premiere bloggers  who has much more detail on this horrible item and we urge to read it and make sure people know – so they can be on the lookout elsewhere.

Any bishop who exhibits a private scorn or public snubbing of the pro-life movement is worthy of not only prayers, but suspicion himself.

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