
Friday, October 4, 2013

40 Days for Life Campaign - DAY 10: The Abortionist Didn't Show Up!

From Shawn Carney
Campaign Director

For the abortion industry, abortion is a business – and businesses need customers. We have observed a trend … and so has the abortion industry:
40 Days for Life vigils are bad for business.
Some abortion centers have cut their hours. Others have cancelled abortion days. God uses your prayerful presence in ways you might not be aware of.

But first – here’s a special treat!
EWTN News Nightly
The global network’s news program recently had a 40 Days for Life double feature – a report from the sidewalk featuring Mike Baldwin, the 40 Days for Life coordinator in Manassas, Virginia along with several prayer volunteers ... followed by an in-studio interview with our national director, David Bereit.
We’ve posted the program on our blog, so – go take a look and enjoy! (You can certainly feel free to watch the entire program, but you can zip ahead to the 40 Days for Life portion at the 22:20 mark.) Click below to watch ... 


Thousand Oaks, California

Curt notes that it's hard to reach the women approaching the Planned Parenthood abortion center in Thousand Oaks, so early one morning the volunteers prayed that God would do something -- anything!

"We prayed there would be confusion among the staff," he said. "We prayed that clients would not find the facility. We prayed that the abortionist's car would not start. Or she would lose her keys.  You get the idea, right?"

About two hours later, a car stopped in front of the vigil participants on its way out of the parking lot. The driver rolled down his window and said, "You guys got lucky today. The abortion doctor never showed up!"

"We stood there in awe for a moment as he drove away," Curt said, "then realized that God had just answered our prayer! Hallelujah! Oh, what a great and faithful God we serve!"

Virginia Beach, Virginia 

"Good news!!!" read the email from Marcia in Virginia Beach.

What news was so good that it rated three exclamation marks? "There were no abortions done today at Planned Parenthood," she said. "This is the first Tuesday in memory that they have not committed abortions on a Tuesday. Praise God!"

Riverside, California 

Even on non-abortion days, prayer volunteers are seeing a decline in business.

"A nurse did not show up at Planned Parenthood and they were having to turn people away," said Hannah in Riverside. "The parking lot looked deserted."
Please join all the volunteers in 306 communities in prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. Here's the link to the list of locations: 

Today's devotional is from Rev. John Ensor of Heartbeat International.

Day 10 intention

Pray for your local pregnancy help center: for those who answer calls from women considering abortion, those who provide ultrasounds, and those who personally help mothers prepare to parent or place for adoption.


Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

--Psalm 82:4

Reflection by Rev. John Ensor

When a woman arrives at her local pregnancy help center, the hard work of "rescuing the weak" begins.

They listen to her. What desperate circumstance is driving her?

They act. A professional ultrasound and medical care is provided.

They pray, "God use us." Then, they take up her burdens and work towards life.

It is cross-bearing for the child-bearing.

Recently, I prayed for one volunteer who was working with one mother in her struggle. Here is what "rescue the weak" looked like in this one case:
  • Aug 3: She made an appointment for Thursday to get an abortion and while she feels terrible about it, she also feels like she has no choice. Pray that her heart is changed!
  • Aug 10: She is 12 weeks along but missed her appointment. She had some good conversations with people at the pregnancy center. She is now considering adoption.
  • Aug 13: Things are down again. She now has an abortion scheduled for Monday. Pray!
  • Aug 17: Missed appointment! God is working in her life.
  • Sept 1: We've hit another rocky period. She has an abortion scheduled for tomorrow. She found out today that her parents are planning a trip to visit her and she is panicking.
  • Sept 15: Missed third appointment. But feels like she has no choice. Please pray today
  • Sept 20: She fears her parents but has agreed to another ultrasound (a breakthrough).
  • Sept 22: I was there with her for her ultrasound. She saw her baby moving and made the realization that she wants to carry her baby.
Please keep praying against attack by the enemy. We are overwhelmed by seeing God's hand move in this situation and are so very thankful for the prayers lifted up by each one of you. God is good!


Father, we praise you for this one sister who gave herself, heart and soul, to rescue this one mother and baby. O may you empower the hundreds more today who are serving in our pregnancy help centers. Grant those answering calls, providing ultrasound and following up with a bold spirit of truth, love and perseverance.

Printable devotional

To download today's devotional as a formatted, printable PDF to share with friends: 

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