
Thursday, October 3, 2013

40 Days for Life Campaign: DAY 9: God Works - Even at a Distance

From Shawn Carney
Campaign Director

I’ve been to hundreds of 40 Days for Life locations. While the peaceful nature of each vigil is similar, the logistics can be very different and very challenging.
Some places have it easier, if you will, with large public rights-of-way and great visibility. But in other places, participants have to stand far away. This allows little opportunity to be seen by the men and women entering the facility.
In those situations, we simply have to trust that despite the logistics, hope will find a way to reach those seeking abortions.
At the end of the day, the Holy Spirit is in charge - and can work through ANY circumstance to save a life. Here are some examples.

Fort Myers, Florida

Paula in Fort Myers reports the first baby saved from abortion - in the city's third 40 Days for Life campaign.

"Our campaign location is a very difficult one to connect with women going in and out of Planned Parenthood," she said. "Our sidewalk is along two of the busiest streets in Fort Myers with traffic zooming by at 45 miles an hour and Planned Parenthood is tucked away 500 feet off the street."  

But prayer works. A woman pulled up in a car just to tell Maria, one of the prayer volunteers, that her daughter was scheduled to have an abortion ...  but did not go through with it because of the people praying outside. Maria said it was the fastest answer to prayer she has ever had!

"We are so delighted," Paula said, "and praise God for His goodness."

Manchester, England

Dave in Manchester says he's seen a good turnout at the 40 Days for Life vigil thus far - and he also believes he’s seen God's handiwork.

"The Marie Stopes clinic is visibly less busy than it ever was, compared to the first campaign we did," he said. This time he's hoping to see an even larger turnout - and an even more profound impact on business
at Marie Stopes.

There have also been visible blessings. Three young women have changed their minds about abortion.

John in Manchester tells of one woman who arrived with a companion and took information from the volunteers on her way into the facility. It wasn't long before they exited. "They left the clinic with big smiles," he said, "saying they would not come back again."

Here's today's devotional from Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-life Union...

Day 9 intention

May we grow in joy, knowing we serve a living God.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

-- John 1:14

Reflection by Day Gardner

The Word of God came to us in human form in Jesus Christ. Every time I contemplate this fact I get chills! And I think it is something that we, as Christians, tend to gloss over. I can only imagine how the first disciples felt when they were looking into the eyes of the one and only Almighty God who created them.

The first disciples developed a close relationship with Him as they daily walked and talked with Him. They ate with Him, prayed with Him and rested when He rested. As they listened to the Word of God, who was and is  Jesus....they believed and "beheld His glory."

Today, this is something we can still do because we serve a living God. Remember, Jesus died on the cross but rose from the dead in victory! Jesus is every bit as real and alive for all of us as He was to the first disciples. He wants us to develop a close relationship with Him in the very same way. Jesus wants us to know Him personally. He wants us to walk with Him and talk with Him on a daily basis.


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for your love and saving grace in Christ Jesus. Help us to realize every day the great blessing we have in our Savior.

I pray that we will rise every morning with excitement and zeal, looking forward to walking another day in your footsteps fully knowing that you continue to dwell among us. Amen.

Printable devotional

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