
Sunday, October 13, 2013

H. R. 3279 - Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2013

From Faithful in the 8th
Pennsylvania 8th Congressional District

This past Wednesday, Congressman Chris Smith - the William Wilberforce of our place and time - introduced HR3279, the Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2013,which already has 90 co-sponsors.  No, Mike Fitzpatrick is NOT one of those 90 co-sponsors (Are we seeing a pattern here?).
    "Smith said the inauguration of the Obamacare exchanges reveals that many health insurance plans throughout the nation will include abortion on demand—even late term abortions. Smith recalled that in October 2009, President Obama said in a speech to a joint session of Congress that, 'under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortion… .' A week after the Obamacare rollout, many are now discovering that—contrary to solemn promises made by the President himself—Obamacare violates the Hyde Amendment by funding plans that include abortion....
    "Joining Smith and Dan Lipinksi (D-IL), co-chairs of the Pro-Life Caucus, were Reps. Joe Pitts (PA-16) and Diane Black (TN-06), Vicky Hartzler (MO-04) and Trent Franks (AZ-08)....

    "'The President tells Americans that they can go online, find the plan that covers what they need, and make a selection,' said Rep. Joe Pitts. 'If Obamacare is all about choice, then why is the administration making it so difficult for people to find out about whether a plan pays for abortion? It’s time that we got some truth in advertising'" (Obamacare Exchanges Hide Info on Abortion Coverage, Mandatory Abortion Surcharge,, 10/12/13).

Use this link to contact your Representative and ask them to Co-Sponsor and/or support  this bill

If you live in Pennsylvania, please contact Mike Fitzpatrick and urge him to show his support of pro-life legislation, especially H. R. 3279.  Send him an e-mail using link below.

Email Rep. Fitzpatrick, to ask that he Sponsor/ Support HR3279

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