
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Standing Strong In Many Nations

Day 19 of the 40 Days for Life Campaign

From Shawn Carney
Campaign Director

40 Days for Life campaigns are going on right now at 306 locations in 10 countries: the United States, Australia, Canada, Denmark, England, Ghana, Portugal, South Africa, Spain and Wales.

Different nations and different cultures? Perhaps. But - regardless of location, prayer and fasting for an end to abortion is the faithful response.

Cape Town, South Africa

Colette in Cape Town says 40 Days for Life is having an impact - even though employees at the Marie Stopes abortion facility regularly mock her and insist the vigil has no effect.

After a rainstorm, staff members looked out to see if the rain had chased her away. "When they see I haven't moved, they started harassing me," Colette said. "At that time, they realised that nothing will move me. I will be there for the full 40 days. They threatened me with police. But I stood." 

On another occasion, two men came up to ask for prayer. One man's girlfriend was inside Marie Stopes, asking about abortion. "We prayed with him that she will not go through with abortion," Colette said. "The other man was in tears because he forced his girlfriend to have an abortion a few months ago. She left to have the abortion and he has not seen her since. We prayed with him, too."

Milton Keynes, England

Andy in Milton Keynes notes good attendance thus far at the 40 Days for Life vigil. He"s even spoken to prayer volunteers from Oxford and Bedford. Bedford is about 20 miles from Milton Keynes ... and Oxford a bit more than 40. So word is getting out.

There’s even been some positive response, as one passerby told the people praying outside the BPAS abortion facility, "You're doing a good cause."

The campaign even got a bit of attention in the Milton Keynes News, which reported that "all prayer vigil participants are asked to sign a statement of peace, pledging to conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner at all times. Participants will also fast during the vigil."

"We know 40 Days for Life has made a difference in the Milton Keynes area," said Andy.

Here's today's devotional from Rev. Rob Schenck, President of Faith and Action and National Clergy Council...

Day 19 intention

We pray for a renewal of our zeal to offer generous help to the unborn and their families.


If I have despised the cause of my male or female servant When they complained against me, What then shall I do when God rises up? When He punishes, how shall I answer Him? Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One fashion us in the womb?

-- Job 31:13-15

Reflection by Rev. Rob Schenck

The ground is level as we stand before God.

Job lived with an awe provoking sense of God's expectation of him, particularly regarding his obligation to care for the weak and needy. He knew that in God's economy everyone stands on level ground when it comes to our status as God's creatures. Because of that central truth, we must take care of each other.

Job also knew that he didn't deserve any of the good things God gave to him. Instead, those blessings came to Job from God's benevolent heart. As an extension of that knowledge, Job instinctively linked his obligation to be generous to others to God's kindness toward him.

As in Jesus' parable of the unmerciful servant (Matthew 18:23-35), Job knew that it is an egregious sin to deny to others what we enjoy ourselves. He actually calls down on his own head severe condemnation and even punishment should he fail to share with others out of his own abundance (see verses 16-23).

Proverbs 3:27 reads, "Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so." Some things are so obvious that we don't even need to pray except to ask of God forgiveness and the power to do what so obviously needs doing.


God, forgive us when we try to explain away the obligation we have to help others who need help. Enable us to not devalue them because they are in the circumstance that they are in, but to see them for what they are, those, who like us, were formed by your hand in their mother's womb. Amen.

Printable devotional

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