
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lila Rose to Speak at Values Voter Summit, Saturday, October 12th

This one goes out especially to all our pro-life supporters in abortion-obsessed states.

You've been fighting hard, in our nation's most hostile states, for equal protection of the right to life. Now it's time for a pick-me-up – and you'll find one this weekend at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, D.C. Americans of conscience from across the country are setting up shop in the nation's capital this weekend. Barricades may be rising throughout D.C., but no one's going to shut us down!


So if you're in or near D.C. (or even if you're not!), mark your calendar: Live Action's president, Lila Rose, will be speaking at the Values Voters Summit on Saturday, October 12, at 10:00 ET!
She'll be joining other dynamic and powerful speakers, including former governor Mike Huckabee, Sen. Rand Paul, and Sen. Ted Cruz.

The government shutdown is putting unprecedented scrutiny on ObamaCare – and, notably, how this gigantic law forces you, us, and everyone to fund abortions – so there's never been a better opportunity to get the pro-life message out there.

Lila Rose will not let that opportunity go to waste. You can see her in person this Saturday, or watch live online

Live Action will also have a booth throughout the VVS. We hope you'll stop by and visit us!

Our effort to secure justice for the unborn will only grow in 2014. Join us this weekend, and become a part of it!

For more information on the VVS, check out their website here.

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