
Thursday, October 10, 2013

DAY 16: Planned Parenthood

From Shawn Carney, Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

Of the 306 locations conducting 40 Days for Life campaigns right now, 156 of them are holding their vigils outside offices of the number one abortion chain in the United States – Planned Parenthood.
This organization performed 333,964 abortions in a single year and is funded by $542 million in your tax money.
According to their own annual report, Planned Parenthood does 145 abortions for every adoption referral it offers. When a woman walks into Planned Parenthood, there is little “choice.”
Former Planned Parenthood managers tell us that 40 Days for Life vigils have a huge impact on their business. Every saved baby hurts Planned Parenthood’s bottom line — and serves as motivation for prayer volunteers like you to endure heat and cold, rain and snow on the sidewalks.
So far, 13 Planned Parenthood offices where 40 Days for Life vigils have been held have closed their doors. We thank God for those victories – and pray for many more!


Jacksonville, Florida

For two campaigns, volunteers in Jacksonville prayed in front of an empty building. But it wasn't just any empty building. They'd learned that the property had been purchased -- quietly -- by Planned Parenthood, which intended to turn it into an abortion center.

This week, the abortion facility opened. "The pro-life community showed up in droves," said Pam in Jacksonville. The clergy led continuous prayer.

"At times, there were 60 people on the sidewalk," Pam said, "so many that all could not fit on the sidewalk in front of the abortion facility. They poured over onto the sidewalks of Planned Parenthood’s neighbors."

She said the vigil sent a clear message: "Jacksonville says NO to Planned Parenthood!"
Tempe, Arizona

A surprising sight greeted early-morning prayer volunteers outside Planned Parenthood in Tempe. The parking lot was empty.

"This was no mistake," said Lisa in Tempe. "It looks like the Tempe Planned Parenthood reduced their Monday hours." Opening had been delayed until 11.

On Mondays in Tempe, the prayer presence has been especially strong, with one group in particular out every Monday for 90 minutes of prayer, led by a local pastor.

"This is also one of the days we've been able to reach out to abortion vulnerable," Lisa added, but it can be challenging to track what’s going on with Planned Parenthood. "No hours are posted on Planned Parenthood's door, and they've now blacked out the door and windows."

Today's devotional is from Rev. John Ensor of PassionLife.

Day 16 intention

Pray for the mothers going into pregnancy help centers. The personal care, the free ultrasound, the ongoing practical help is designed to deliver them from those who profit in shedding innocent blood.


Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

-- Matthew 11:28

Reflection by Rev. John Ensor

"You have twins. That will be another $350." She did not speak English. But she finally understood that they were telling her to go get more money and return for her abortion.

She had already given them her rent money. But they were not about to give her a two-for-one deal. They told her to get dressed and return with more cash.

A couple, who was praying outside, comforted her. They brought her to their local pregnancy help center.

The staff quickly saw that her personal circumstances were so desperate, and immediate, that they would need direct and ongoing help from local Christians and churches. They started making calls.

Then they did the ultrasound. It showed there was only one baby, not two. This abandoned, immigrant, powerless mother was being exploited. She would do whatever she was told. Who would know? Who would care?

God calls us to "Rescue the weak and the needy; and deliver them from the hand of the wicked" (Psalm 82:4).

When you provide an alternative to abortion you are not only rescuing innocent babies, you are delivering mothers from the wicked: those who profit in the shedding of innocent blood. Pray for those who rescue and deliver daily at your local pregnancy help center.


Father, hear our prayer! Snatch desperate mothers from the fire. Bring them out of our abortion businesses and into our pregnancy help centers. Deliver them from evil. Use us to help them chose life and see your hand of provision.

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