
Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Unmistakable Parallels Between Abortion and Slavery

by Calvin Frieburger 

Whenever a pro-lifer dares to compare abortion to slavery, pro-aborts go apoplectic. Candor about abortion’s horror is a major no-no, and besides, don’t we know that liberals have a monopoly on invoking bad things done to minorities? But fortunately, apologists not liking something isn’t a good enough reason for the rest of us to stop making a comparison that fits like a glove.

Both denied the humanity of an entire class of people

The core parallel couldn’t be more obvious. Fetuses may be killed at will, and blacks were held like cattle, because both groups were said to be somehow lesser than the rest of us. In the fetus’s case, it can be any number of factors – they’re just cells, lack consciousness, can’t feel pain, can’t survive outside the womb, etc. In the black person’s case, it was because of skin color, more primitive culture, and lesser mental faculties. In the words of Dr. Josiah Nott:

 The plain and inevitable deduction is this: – That the negro is a totally distinct and inferior animal or species of animal from the Caucasian; that the negro is the connecting link between man and the brute creation; that the negro is intended by nature for a similar dependence upon the Caucasian man, in which only the ox, the ass, and the horse, fulfil [sic.] the intent of their creation; that the negro race is the result of a different act of the Creator from that which originated the Caucasian, and is consequently beyond the scope of those abstract axioms of the white race, which declare that all MEN have equal rights.

continue reading here

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