
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pro-life Teacher Dismissal

           STOPP Research Shows Multiple Ties Between

 Portland School Officials and Planned Parenthood

 This article originally appeared in this issue of the WSR: 2013-11-20

In the last edition of the Wednesday STOPP Report, we broke the latest in the story of Oregon teacher, Bill Diss, who was bullied by Planned Parenthood and the Portland schools to the point of being escorted out of the school by police. The hearing last week, in which the school was to determine this exemplary, award-winning teacher’s “fitness to teach,” precipitated STOPP’s research into connections between Portland school officials, Planned Parenthood, and its political cohorts.

As we researched, we found multiple connections that go a long way in explaining why the nation’s largest abortion chain wields so much power in Portland schools that it could actually facilitate the dismissal and a “perp walk” of a teacher who exercised his First Amendment rights in speaking out about the abortion giant. Here is the summary of what we found:

(1) Board member Ruth Adkins aligned herself politically with Planned Parenthood in opposition to two Oregon ballot measures that the schools tied to school funding.

(2) Board member Pam Knowles is an attorney in the firm that sued the American Coalition of Life Activists, Dr. Monica Miller, and others—challenging the defendants’ First Amendment rights—on behalf of Planned Parenthood and Oregon abortionists. Knowles was the mentor of the lead lawyer for Planned Parenthood in the case. Knowles’ protégé, Carol Bernick, was so dedicated to stripping the defendants’ constitutional right to speak out against Planned Parenthood that she pursued the case on a pro bono basis. Bernick is reported to have said that, during two decades of practicing law, this is the case of which she is most proud. “It had the effect of curbing the behavior that we believed was a threat, and the jury agreed that it was a threat. It made you proud to be a lawyer.”

(3) Board member Matt Morton is a colleague of Nichole Maher in the Multicultural Affairs department at Reed College. Maher serves on the boards of Portland Schools Foundation and Planned Parenthood.

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