
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Senate Can Stop Unimaginably Painful Late Abortions!

From Carol Tobias,
National Right to Life President

The next battle for babies’ lives is on!

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the bill that protects the lives of unborn babies from the age that compelling medical evidence tells us they can feel pain (20 weeks), will be introduced in the U.S. Senate next week. 

Like our successful effort to ban partial-birth abortion, this fight will take a lot of work by pro-life citizens; require hundreds of thousands of phone calls, e-mails and letters to their Senators; and depend on your financial support so we can educate Americans everywhere about the tragedy of painful, late abortions.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) will sponsor the Senate version of the bill, which has already passed the U.S. House. Pushback will be intense from pro-abortion extremists in the Senate, who would rather see unborn babies feel the unimaginable suffering of a late abortion than to limit abortion in any way. 

But those same voices spoke against our Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, and we eventually defeated them.  Today, almost no one would suggest legalizing partial-birth abortion again, and someday soon we hope to see these painful late abortions be a thing of the past as well.

No unborn baby should ever suffer so excruciating a death because our leaders turned away from them when we asked for their help.  Please help us inform and advocate to every Senator that they need to pass this law.  Even some pro-abortion Senators will feel intense pressure to vote for our bill because they face re-election next year in strongly pro-life states.  We can pick up votes if we all do our part!

Ten states have passed our landmark law to protect unborn babies who feel pain.  Help us make the U.S. Senate our next victory!
 You can help speed that day with a critically important gift.  We can use it to expand our education and advocacy to pass the bill and enact it into law. 



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