
Saturday, November 2, 2013

What is So Wrong With American Culture?

From Matt Smith
Catholic Advocate

Public high schools indoctrinate in our daughters their right to choose and in our sons the notion that unplanned teenage pregnancies are inconsequential thanks to abortion.

Women are shamed into identifying as pro-choice because supporting the right to life is considered anti-woman. Pro-life men are accused of ignorance and misogyny.

What is so wrong with American culture that we glorify abortion?

It's time for America to re-embrace the sanctity of life. And the first step is to elect leaders to all levels of government who will defend the lives of the unborn by ending taxpayer-funding of abortions, banning late-term abortion, and doing everything in their power to defend the right to life.

More than two centuries ago, our forefathers declared life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as inalienable rights of all people. But today our leaders have lost sight of this.

Instead organizations like Planned Parenthood, NARAL - USA, and Emily's List – militant pro-choice groups – are some of the largest political donors in the country. 

Even many of the most prominent leaders in Washington who claim to be Catholic believe abortion to be a perfectly acceptable practice. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are the first to come to mind. 

Please stand with Catholic Advocate to elect the next generation of pro-life leaders.

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