
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Contraceptive worshippers decry fairness

By Judie Brown

Two cases coming before the Supreme Court are a reflection of the morality inherent in our society today. Rampant sexuality and the use of contraceptives seem to be the new norm. And many think their right to contraceptives should be provided by our tax dollars. What example will the court provide?

The United States Supreme Court has agreed to hear oral arguments in two cases that could result in legal protection for the rights of employers not to be required by law to provide services that are in contradiction to the ethical standards of the employer. The services in question are contraception and early-day abortion pills, also known as morning-after pills.

The cases, Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp v. Sebelius, present the court with a unique challenge. The court may choose to defend the practice of principled medicine or the court may choose to pander to the political whims of the corrupt medical establishment.

The mere suggestion that the court might exercise judicial restraint and uphold Constitutional principles is roiling those who consider contraception in the same category as the Holy Grail. The latest Supreme Court challenges to the Obama contraceptive mandate have become a flashpoint for rhetorical demagoguery intended to persuade the citizenry that birth control is a form of healthcare that no woman can live withou

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  1. Where is the morality inherent in our society today?
    Do we even know what it is ... and for this matter what about the children will they know ?
    Just look what's on the tv now compared to 20yrs. ago, for the answer..

    1. I believe it's the responsibility of parents and grand-parents to see that our youth know that there is a right and wrong; and consequences for all our actions. As far as TV, it has become so bad, we don't even watch the 3 major channels anymore. Mostly watch ME TV.
