
Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Best Pro-Life Web Site!

From Steven Ertelt, Editor

LifeNews has been reporting on pro-life news for 21 years and, along the way we have received various honors and awards for our work.

Like you, we're not a part of the battle to protect unborn children from abortion for any kudos or accolades. At LifeNews, our prayer and desire is to put ourselves out of business by one day having our little unborn friends before birth seeing their lives protected in the same the way we enjoy legal protection of our right to life now. Someday, we just want to hear, "Well done good and faithful servant." That's is more than enough reward!

But it's nice to be recognized for the time and dedication LifeNews puts in towards stopping abortion and respecting human life. Our writers, reporters and bloggers deserve recognition for their tireless efforts defending the unborn and their excellent writing and reporting on timely pro-life topics.

This week, LifeNews was named one of the "40 Best Conservative Websites Of 2013."

John Hawkins of Right Wing News included LifeNews in his annual ranking of the leading web sites for conservatives.

"You could make a fair argument that the best conservative websites are the ones that are read by the most people," Hawkins writes. "However, as someone who only had a thousand people a day reading him after a year of slogging away on his own blog, I believe the old saw that goes, “If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door” isn’t true. The guy with a better mousetrap may end up laboring in obscurity while the people who've been building mousetraps for decades or who have a huge marketing budget may beat him into the ground."

"So as someone who spends every day of his life immersed in conservative websites great and small, I want to take the time to recognize some of the best websites out there, regardless of size. Not all of them are giants, but these are the websites I end up on the most over the course of a week," Hawkins explains.

LifeNews is proud to have been named the 27th best conservative web site for 2013!

This puts LifeNews in company with some of the leading news outlets such as Drudge, Hot Air, The Blaze, Fox News, Breitbart, National Review, NewsMax, and many others. Although most of the web sites listed take a decidedly pro-life perspective and frequently include pro-life articles, LifeNews is the ONLY web site to make the Top 40 that is SOLELY dedicated to the pro-life cause.

We've been able to achieve this top ranking as the best pro-life web site and the Top 40 of all conservative web sites online because of your help and support. Without your financial backing, LifeNews would never be able to reach so many people each and every day with pro-life news, opinion articles that help pro-life people shape the abortion debate, and analysis that gives you the tools you need to stop abortions now.

  Please support by clicking this link and help us remain the best pro-life web site we can be!

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