
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Division Of Truth...Both Conservative & Liberal



Somewhere, a long time ago, we lost the value of American's.

I say American's, because in one way or another, America, the land that is here, will be occupied.
The value of 'American's' has been rocked with so much ignorance, arrogance, division, liars, fraud, immorality, evil and deception/deceivers, we can't even see we devalue everything our founders put in place to become an 'American.'

We water down our values and stands, because we have been watered down by the value that now claim to be 'Americans', but in no way stand for our laws, our Constitution, our God given rights and freedoms or even the moral guidance, the foundation of our Constitution, based on the same value that had to placed from slaves that use to be a free God guided people.

The connection of the Exodus of 40 years, that lead slaves back to the mindset, morality, commonsense and God fearing lifestyles, is what American's are facing.
I remember, as a child, it was just a normal day in school, to write an essay, with bookmarks and dictionary by my side, to make sure authors got created for their input in my writings, words were double checked, and not just with a click of a mouse, 'spell-checked' and teachers had the ability to shame, make students pay restitution and disciplined for their actions...and parents took the matter, at least mine, even further. It took only one bar of ivory soap to be placed between my teeth, one time, to stop my bad language and attitude in elementary school.

But then something happened. Instead of essays and pop-quizzes/ tests, teachers gave, instead of us finding the answer, through studying and reading, sometimes a book over many times, a simple multiple choice answer, that gave me a one in 5 chance of getting right....Then in became one out of four.

The value was to increase grade point average, by making it easier to get a higher grade...It also made it easier to cheat, as I got older, and students would steal the answers that would just be twenty letters of A, B, C or D...instead of whole words, phrases or dates.

As I got older, I saw the same value in church. The 'clicks' that would form. The 'status' friendships that were based on monetary value. Much of which was based on a value of debt, living in houses, driving new cars and wearing the outside appearances of success, that wasn't true to bank accounts...just vanity.

I saw the dumbing down in the value of knowledge, of those giving the knowledge and sources used as knowledge. I went from reading and writing, to express my feelings, thoughts and sources of knowledge, to a newer source of television, that could express the values and stands of the person, or organization, sending that signal of sight and sound.

I saw the 'little white lies' that were so sweating and stomach churning in the truth others knew, as I did, to it getting easier and easier to present truth that were lies, with clever word games and redefinitions...nothing new to the founders that saw what they defined challenged by that same sickness of revisionism and revisionists.

As I got even older, I remember the first time I applied for a drivers license. That day began long before the test, as my father had spent years teaching me to drive, just as a child sitting in his lap, as it looked like, and felt like I was driving, with my small hands on the wheel...but his hands were below mine making sure everything was alright, with his foot inches away from the brake or gas peddle to speed up or stop.

I was the best student at the drivers ed in high school, even being able to drive in the rain, as the instructor locked the brakes to see if I could get out of spinning...but then the actual test came...and I failed. It was much harder, and I hadn't taken the value that I had to pass the physical, verbal and written tests, as a whole. The test was hard, to keep those not ready, from getting a license that would lead to accidents and insurance going up in the ignorance of giving out drivers licenses, just for the heck of it...We can see that clearly today.

When you 'water down' a value, a stand, a morality, a position, a purpose and or a law, you get a value that is 'watered down' in values, morality, commonsense, law, business, government, education, organizations and individuals...We can see that even more clearly today.

This value has lead to a generation that covet sexual immorality, and even a President saying getting pregnant, by having sex before marriage, is 'punishment', and he will aid murder for the immoral acts of sex instead...Clearly, we can see 'watered down' value in leadership, in government, in educators, in entertainment, in mentors, in fatherhood, in families...but mostly churches.

One minister, William H.J. Boetcker, wrote about the 'Ten Cannots' and 'Seven National Crimes', back in

1916. How appropriate are they even today:


You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.

You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.

You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.

You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.

And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.

SEVEN NATIONAL CRIMES (patterned after seven deadly sins)

"I don’t think..."

"I don’t know..."

"I don’t care..."

I’m too busy..."

"I leave well enough alone..."

"I have no time to read and find out..."

"I am not interested..."

This value leads to industries of abuse, ignorance and representation of fraud and abuses that get paid by tax payers, every single day, with no shame, restitution or discipline. Even the values of murderers, rapists, molesters and pedophiles have more rights in a nation founded 'Under God', than those obeying the Laws of God, Covenanted words of God and easily perverse natures of mans values over Gods commands.

The example of a president saying, "I'm not gonna punish my children with a baby", is the value of murderers becoming the laws of the land...over parents, families and sex after marriage.
We have 'watered down' the commonsense of murder, with abortion...Just one value that takes 'Americans' out of the founding of America.
Here is a letter, from a failed aborted baby...that is now going to be a mommy...

A letter from an abortion survivor to her unborn baby

January 13, 2014

Sixty-two days. Today, my dear son or daughter, you are 62 days old. I say son or daughter, because, you are 62 days old in the womb today, so we don’t know a whole lot yet about you. But what we do know is this. You are ours and you are loved.

Without yet even seeing you, I feel your presence each day, and I look forward to your presence being made more aware to the world through a soon-to-be burgeoning belly and through movements that make your sister and father squeal with joy.

If you could look into our house right now, you would already find your room being prepared by your older sister, who the days until your birth just can’t pass by quickly enough for. You would see her wrapping her arms around me multiple times a day, laying her head to rest on my belly, where I can already feel all of the twinges and pulls of your growth, and kissing the spot where you lie deep within. You would also see her curled up by my side, reading books to you each morning.

For a woman who thought she knew what love was, I have been greatly schooled so far in your life. Your sister, Olivia’s, love for you is one of the truest, deepest loves that I have ever experienced, and your father and my love for you, of course, runs just as deep.

If you could look into our world right now and understand what was happening around you, I’ll be honest—some things would make you stare in wide-eyed disbelief and others would likely make you cry. Euthanasia thrives in countries like Belgium; parents must fight to have their children provided medical care; and abortion up until the point of birth in many states across the U.S. The culture of death is all around us.

Yet, if you could look into our world right now and understand what was happening around you, there are also many things that would make you stare wide-eyed in beautiful wonderment and cry tears of joy. On January 22, 2014, we will unfortunately be marking the 41st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that has resulted in 56 million deaths through legalized abortion, which was meant to include my own and therefore prevent your own conception, let alone, your upcoming day of birth.
As much as the Roe v. Wade decision has wreaked havoc on our nation and deeply damaged my life and the lives of my biological family, people you will once get to hear about and likely even meet, I take great joy in knowing that we are winning the war in the battle against abortion. God-willing, in your lifetime you will someday witness an end to the Roe v. Wade decision.

If you could look into our world, in just nine days you would see well over a half a million people, fellow pro-lifers like us, marching in Washington, D. C. for the March for Life, advocating for an end to abortion and commemorating the lives that have been lost and those that have been forever changed. What I wouldn’t give, my dear child, (I am choking back tears as I type this), for you to never have to know the horrible truth about abortion and what it has done to our world and to your own family.

But this terrible truth is a part of our history, and will lead you to appreciate events like the March for Life and those that fought for a culture of life to be restored to our country and world.
My perspective is unique. I am one of the survivors who were intended to add to total of 56 million lives lost. Instead I am a mother, a wife, and a dedicated pro-lifer.

I carry that knowledge that I was not meant to survive in my heart and in my spirit every day. Although there is great pain, my joy is much greater. My purpose, your purpose, as the child of a survivor of the abortion holocaust, brings me immeasurable joy, which I hope that you someday experience, too.

You, my dear child, are one of the reasons why pro-lifers will soon be gathering in Washington for the March for Life, even though it will be a long time before you understand this. I look forward to the day when I can tell you the story of marches past, and how millions upon millions of people day in and day out, fought
for lives like yours and mine.


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