
Thursday, January 16, 2014

USA Today Gets Religious Freedom Right

 By Sister Mary Ann Walsh

With its recent editorial “Obamacare overreach tramples Little Sisters of the Poor,” USA Today joins the Chicago Tribune among the mainstream print outlets to “get it” when it comes to religious freedom.

The newspaper has no fight with artificial contraception and sterilization, while the Catholic Church does. However, USA Today recognizes that the Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate violates religious freedom by coercing religious ministries to participate in covering services that violate their beliefs – drugs and devices approved by the FDA as contraceptives, including those that can cause an abortion, and sterilization.

The issue isn’t the pill. The issue is the right to live according to one’s conscience. That’s a guarantee of the U.S. Constitution and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Initially, media recognized the religious liberty issue at hand. But once the Administration began its specious argument about a “war on women” and turned a religious freedom issue into one about sexual freedom, most media jumped on the free contraceptive bandwagon.

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