
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Buffer Zone Laws Are Anything But Pro-Choice

In June, the Supreme Court is expected to rule on whether to strike down a Massachusetts law that created a 35-foot zone around abortion clinics where pro-life activists were banned from approaching women seeking abortions. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia called abortion protestors “counselors,” saying, “What these people want to do is to speak quietly and in a friendly manner, not in a hostile manner, because that would frustrate their purpose, with the people going into the clinic.”

This statement sparked the interest of Dean Obeidallah, a report for The Daily Beast, who headed out to a New Jersey abortion clinic to see what it was really like. What he claims to have seen was a variety of anti-abortion activists. Some were peacefully praying, others were “respectfully” approaching pregnant women, and others, he says, were screaming at women trying to bully them into not going into the clinic.

Most pro-life activists would agree with Obeidallah that no one should be shouting, screaming, or bullying a woman who is seeking an abortion. A woman seeking an abortion is in need of support. More often than not, she doesn’t want the abortion but doesn’t have a support system available. It is the responsibility and the honor of pro-life counselors to become that support system.

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