
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Can We Live An ‘Ordinary Life’ Amidst The Abortion Slaughter?

by Jonathon van Maren

January 27, 2014 ( - The other day, LifeSiteNews writer Hilary White posted an interesting question: “A question that has been haunting me lately: given what we know, given what is happening in the world, what business do we have pursuing a quiet, ordinary life?” That depends, I suppose, on your definition of quiet and ordinary, but it reminded me of a quote from Ronald Reagan that applies perfectly to today’s culture wars. “When you’re outnumbered and surrounded and someone yells ‘charge,”” Reagan noted, “Any way you’re facing, you’ll find a target.” At this time and in this country, if you’re not fighting, you’re ceding ground.

I’ve tried to put into words what the realization of the abortion reality does when you first come into contact with it. In articles and presentations, I’ve described how seeing a video of an abortion procedure changed the way I viewed Canada, and how speaking with a young university student who had an abortion a few weeks earlier on my very first day of pro-life outreach changed the way I viewed the abortion wars. But I think Dr. Monica Miller, in her superb book Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars, describes this realization better than anything I’ve read or heard so far:

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