
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Every Life Matters

By Michelle Fritz

Today in Washington D.C. millions of people are expected to participate in the annual March for Life.  They come from all around the country and the world to stand up for the sanctity of life in the womb.  They will bundle up to protect themselves from the frigid temperatures; they will raise their signs and their voices.  They will stand in solidarity for life.  What a beautiful show of God’s ultimate love, protecting the innocent and those without a voice of their own.  It is what God calls all of us to do.

There are many arguments for keeping abortion legal.  I am not capable of addressing all of those arguments in one article, but I can talk about one reason people often cite when arguing that abortion should be kept legal.  Many argue that when a mother’s life (or the child’s life) is in danger abortion should be a viable option.  They say that a mother should not have to risk her life, especially if she has other children who rely on her.  They say that her life is more important than the child’s life.  Oh, how wrong they are!

I know, I know, you are probably thinking that it’s easy for me to say a mother should risk her life for her child when I am not in that situation.  The truth is, it is easy to say that while I am not pregnant or risking my life.  However, going into my last pregnancy I knew I was risking my life by even being pregnant.  My previous pregnancy ended in a catastrophic uterine rupture, and I was told that if I ever got pregnant again I would not only greatly risk my life, but it was almost guaranteed that my baby would die, too.  While I recovered from my emergency c-section, the doctor impressed upon us over and over again that I should never, never get pregnant again.  Those words pierced my heart like a finely sharpened dagger.  But I knew he was right.  I couldn’t risk my life for another pregnancy, because I had so many who needed me here.  My husband and I were diligent, within our faith guidelines, in our efforts to avoid pregnancy.  After all, there was no way I would put my life at risk on purpose when I have ten other children who rely on me, and who desperately need me in their lives.  Still, a mere five and a half months later, despite all our intense efforts to avoid pregnancy, I found myself expecting again.  To say I was terrified is be a gross understatement!

 continue reading at

Michelle Fritz is a cradle Catholic, married to her high school sweetheart Mike for the last 22 years. She is an ecletic homeschooling mom of 11 children. In addition to her children on earth she is a mother to 12 saints in heaven. She is active in the prolife community and is dedicated to protecting all children, both born and unborn. Michelle is a regular writer at Catholic Sistas, a website dedicated to sharing the truths of our faith through personal stories and article that stress adherence to the teachings of the Church. She loves Apologetics and learning all she can about our beautiful Catholic faith. 

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