
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Super Rally for Life in Austin, Saturday, January 25th

Updates from Pro-Life Waco

From John Pisciotta, Director of Pro-Life Waco

1. Carpool to Rally for Life in Austin
2. Girl Scout entanglement with abortion leaders--again
3. Super Life Chain on Super Bowl Sunday


1. Carpool to Rally for Life in Austin, Saturday, January 25
With all that has happened in Texas, this should be the biggest Austin Rally for Life in this century. Pro-Life Waco is organizing carpools to the 2014 Rally for Life at the State Capital. Cars will depart at 11 a.m. from the St. Mary’s Waco parking lot (15th Street and Columbus Avenue). If it helps we could also pick up folks at Brookshire Grocery Store in Lorena. The walking procession up Congress Avenue in Austin will begin at 1:30 p.m. The program at the Capital steps is 2-3 p.m. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, candidate for Governor of is the main speaker. If you want a ride or can drive and take other, contact John Pisciotta 254-644-0407 or  If you are going on your own, I would also like to know. We can look for you there. We are asked to wear blue shirts--like we did this summer when we defended HB2 legislaiton in Austin. (Gosh, that was fun!) Also, Texas Alliance for Life has produced a special video for this occasion. It is wonderful. Just 5 minutes.  View it here

2. Girl Scout entanglement with abortion leaders—again
My, oh my!! Girl Scout big wigs just can’t resist the temptation to align themselves with avid supporters of abortion on demand. The big flap of 2014 came when national Girl Scouts tweeted out support for a list of women “worthy” of women of the year designation. The list from Huffington Post included such abortion enthusiasts as Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sibelius, and elderly feminist Gloria Steinem. Liberals are rushing to the defense of Girl Scouts. Read a rush to Girl Scouts support from a far-left group down in Austin.  Read here
3. Super Life Chain on Super Bowl Sunday
February 2 is Super Bowl Sunday for the world and super life chain for Waco. Our life chain begins at 2 PM and ends at 3 PM. This outreach sends thousands of messages to the pro-life community. Who knows on Super Bowl Sunday a pregnant mom may see our messages and decide to choose life for her baby. This has happened before. Carolyn the pro-life billboard truck will be out on-site in the parking lot near Pei Wei restaurant. You can pick up a sign to hold at the truck. If you have not participated in a monthly Life Chain, February 2 would be a good time to start. FYI, the Broncos will begin to dismantle the Seahawks at 5:30 PM.

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