
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Former Abortionist: “Extracting A Fetus, Piece By Piece, Was Bad For My Sleep”

by Sarah Terzo

In a 1994 editorial in the Los Angeles Times, an abortionist named Dr. George Flesh wrote about how he left the abortion business. Many former abortionists and clinic workers describe an “aha moment” when they first realized abortion was wrong. For Abby Johnson, for example, it was when she saw a 13-week-old unborn baby being aborted via ultrasound. For Dr. Yvonne Moore , it was when she became pregnant herself and saw her baby’s heartbeat on the ultrasound screen. Dr. Flesh also had an experience that opened his eyes to how wrong abortion is:

“… a married couple came to me and requested an abortion. Because the patient’s cervix was rigid, I was unable to dilate it and perform the procedure. I asked her to return in a week, when the cervix would be softer.

The couple returned and told me that they had changed their minds and wanted to “keep the baby.” I delivered the baby seven months later. Years later, I played with little Jeffrey in the pool at the tennis club where his parents and I were members. He was happy and beautiful. I was horrified to think that only a technical obstacle had prevented me from terminating Jeffrey’s potential life. The connection between the six-week-old human embryo and a laughing child stopped being an abstraction for me. While hugging my sons each morning, I started to think of the vacuum aspirator that I would use two hours later.”

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