
Sunday, January 26, 2014


Bill Donohue comments on bias at the New York Times:

There is no newspaper in the United States that is more extreme in its defense of abortion-on-demand and homosexual rights than the New York Times. It regards the defense of partial-birth abortion to be a "moderate" position, and its reporters have openly bragged about the record number of homosexuals who write feature stories. Today's edition offers more support to the accusation that it is biased in its coverage on these issues.

There is a front-page story about a homosexual vice principal in Seattle who was asked to step down when it was learned that he was married to a man. The 1351-word story does not focus on the man's violation of a contract he voluntarily signed (Catholic employees are expected to abide by Catholic teachings); rather, it focuses on students who are rallying to his side. The story features four photos: the one on the front page is in color, and one of the three pictures on p. A16 is quite big (9"x6").

On the opposite page, p. A17, there is an average-size picture of the March for Life that was held yesterday in Washington, D.C. There is no story. Yet there could have been a great one: hundreds of thousands of marchers, overwhelmingly young, braved the bitter cold; many had traveled through a snow storm the day before to get there (the federal government shut down because of the bad conditions).

A handful of young people from Seattle who support their fired vice principal merits big coverage, but a massive pro-life march in a winter storm is all but ignored. And the motto of the New York Times is, "All the News That's Fit to Print." I guess pro-life news is not fit to print.

 William Donohue is the President of The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights.

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