
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pro-Life Waco Is Leading A National Boycott Of Girl Scout Cookie Sales

                  Urgent action requests below

PLW is leading a national boycott of Girl Scout cookie sales. Urgent action requests. Success depends on all of us doing our part.

Activist friends for life,

Are you ready to rumble?

In 2004, Pro-Life Waco organized a local (and successful) boycott of Girl Scout cookies.

Now in 2014, we are leading a NATIONAL cookie boycott.
Girl Scouts USA has not changed. Enough is enough!

They just can’t hold back when it comes to paying homage to the leaders of abortion on demand. n 2004, the local Girl Scout Council honored the CEO of the Waco Planned Parenthood abortion clinic as a Woman of Distinction.

Now, national Girl Scouts is praising Texas State Senator Wendy Davis and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius as women who are role models for girls because of their “achievements” in 2013! BOTH are unwavering supporters of abortion on demand—even late-term abortion. And there are much deeper problems with the Girl Scout agenda for our daughters.  Go to a little later and find out more. First read this email and get ready for the action it will take to win again.

The national boycott of Girl Scout cookie sales, which I am coordinating, officially launches today with radio ads on five Texas stations. You can listen to the radio ad here. 
Already, two news stories on Breitbart. The Breitbart stories have generated hundreds of comments. I think we have hit a nerve.

Endorsement of Wendy Davis Triggers National Boycott of Girl Scout Cookies

National Pro-Life Groups Join Girl Scout Boycott

Now for the battle plan

1. Pray fervently that this outreach in support of girls and their families will bring an abundant harvest. 

2. A major part of the boycott strategy is for supporters to give a special flyer to Girl Scout parents and leaders at public sales to explain WHY we are not buying cookies. We must let them know in addition to refraining from purchases. The flyer is available to all at Or you can come by our office at 4209 W Waco Drive and pick up copies at our door. Also, give this flyer to your friends and tell everyone about the boycott.

3. Write a letter to the editor of the Waco Tribune Herald defending the boycott.  Send to  If you live in another city, send to your newspaper. We are going to catch a lot of flack from the liberal press.  We must defend ourselves. We must be extremely strong in Waco to help make a strong boycott spread nationwide.

4. Email, call, or write on paper to your friends and relatives to spread the word about the boycott.

5. Call talk radio programs and talk about the boycott.

6. Write a post on Facebook about the boycott. Be sure to let your friends know to go to

7. Tweet. Tweet. And then tweet again. For Twitter, the name of the campaign is #cookiecott. For posts on social media you are encouraged to incorporate this graphic if you know how to do it.


8. If you have media contacts, I welcome the opportunity to talk about the boycott. In a little more than an hour at 10:30 Central I will be interviewed on the Mike Gallagher Talk show. On Friday the 31st, in the 10 a.m. hour, I will be a guest on the Lynn Woolley Talk Show out of Temple (KTEM AM).

9. Pray fervently that this outreach in support of girls and their families will bring an abundant harvest.

You don’t have to do everything. But PLEASE do some things. We cannot just stand by and let the forces of secularism and moral relativism devour our children and grandchildren.

This is grassroots--against a very strong Girl Scout organization that will be supported in media. For every dollar raised by PLW, Girl Scouts USA raises $3,000. Some will paint us as hurting little girls. In reality we are the defenders of little girls. Girl Scouts USA is okay with having future Girl Scouts slaughtered in abortions!

Abuse of little children was one of the few things in the Gospels that raised anger from our Lord. For you and I abuse of little children must bring action. Now, go do the right thing!

Submitted in support of the Gospel of Life
John Pisciotta, Director of Pro-Life Waco

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