
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty


We pray that we can continue to educate students
 in the fullness of our Catholic faith

 The U.S. Catholic Bishops invite the faithful to pray and fast for the renewal of a culture of life and marriage, and for the protection of religious liberty.


In his proclamation, Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis praises the efforts of Catholic schools and charities that promote peace, social harmony, and the protection of human and civil rights. He states, "Yet, we find it difficult to make people see that when we raise other questions less palatable to public opinion, we are doing so out of fidelity to precisely the same convictions about human dignity and the common good." The role of Catholic schools, the Holy Father emphasizes, is to remain in dialogue with the formative teachings of the Church. In this way, all the sciences are embedded with Catholic theology, and these disciplines become instruments "for enlightening and renewing the world." In his address to trustees of the University of Notre Dame on Thursday, Pope Francis explained, " the uncompromising witness of Catholic universities to the Church's moral teaching, and the defense of her freedom, precisely in and through her institutions, to uphold that teaching as authoritatively proclaimed by the magisterium of her pastors."

In light of Catholic Schools Week, let us remember the role of Catholic schools in striving to proclaim the Gospel message in all areas of study through first knowing and loving Christ.  

Five Ways to Participate

  1.  Fast and abstain from meat on Fridays
  2.  Pray a daily rosary
  3.  Prayrs for the Faithful at Mass
  4.  Monthly Holy Hour
  5.  Fortnight for Freedom

Did you know?

Catholic Schools Week is being observed in dioceses around the country from January 26 through February 1. This year's theme, "Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service," focuses on the principles of a Catholic education.   
We pray that we can continue to educate students in the fullness of our Catholic faith.

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