
Monday, January 13, 2014

RNC Gets Its Marching Orders on Life

This year, the Republican National Committee (RNC) isn't just talking about the importance of the March for life -- it's showing it. For the first time ever, Chairman Reince Priebus announced that the RNC would postpone the start of the party's winter meeting so that more Republicans could attend the March on January 22. In announcing the change, Priebus told the Washington Times, "I saw that there was a real interest among a significant portion of our members to attend and support the rally for life. This is a core principle of our party. It was natural for me to support our members and our principles."

To make the event even more appealing to members, the RNC is chartering a bus to and from the March for the roughly 170 people who want to participate. It's a welcome gesture from an organization that hasn't always put social issues at the top of its priority list. Jeanne Monahan, the President of March for Life and a former director at FRC, was grateful for the RNC's flexibility and said her organization was "pleased that Chairman Reince Priebus recognizes the importance of the life issue and has given it priority in the Committee's calendar." Yesterday, Chairman Priebus joined me on "Washington Watch" to talk about the scheduling decision and the importance of the life issue to the RNC. To hear his interview, click here.

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