
Thursday, January 30, 2014

We Marched. Now What?

by Laura Peredo

Coming back from the March for Life is kind of like coming home after a church retreat. But instead of being on a Jesus high, you’re on a saving babies high. And that is awesome. There is no better time than NOW to be excited about joining the pro-life generation in defending and promoting a greater culture of life here in America.

After being in one city with hundreds of thousands of people who also believe in the sanctity of life, I am encouraged and inspired to continue exposing and being a witness to the beauty of each life. To see so many people who are willing to stand in frigid temperatures? It was incredible. And my college was given the honor of leading the march this year, which made it even more unique and inspiring.

Like all the marches and rallies I’ve been to before, it made me think about why I march. Why is that? It’s because I believe mothers, fathers, children, families, and our society deserve better than abortion. But marching is not enough. We’ve got to harness the excitement we all have about being pro-life right now and channel it into constructive ways to bring the end of abortion closer.

Everyone can get involved in promoting life in one way or another. We’re not called to do everything, but we’re all called to do something. And the time is now.

Here are some ways you can start the end to abortion today:

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 Laura Peredo, a sophomore Business Management major at Benedictine College, joined the pro-life movement a few years ago, and has been actively defending life ever since. In her 'free time' she enjoys reading about current life and faith issues, writing about them, and having debates about them. 

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