
Sunday, February 16, 2014

12-Week “Fetus” or Baby?

By Barbara Whitehead, President
Mississippi Right to Life

Abortionists say that this is just a blob of tissue, a collection of cells. Some say it is like a piece of liver. In any case, it certainly isn’t a baby they say; at the very best it is only a blueprint for a baby. They tell women and girls who come in for an abortion not to worry about that.

Well, to me it doesn’t look anything like Kleenex or any other brand of tissue. It sure doesn’t look much like liver to me. And when was the last time you saw a blueprint turn into a building or anything else for that matter.

When I stop to think about it, I realize that I too am just a collection of cells.  I must have been one of those so called fetuses at one time, but my mom always said I was her baby.

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