
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Let's Pass H.B. 1762, Admitting Privileges Legislation

 From Mike McMonagle, President
Pro-Life Coalition of Pennsylvania

On February 4, 2014, Rep. Bryan Cutler and the other leaders of the Pa. House Pro-Life Caucus (i.e., Rep. Jerry Stern, Rep. Bryan Barbin and Rep. Deberah Kula) introduced this legislation with 20 co-sponsors, which was assigned to the Pa. House Judiciary Committee.

This legislation requires abortionists to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the facility where they are committing abortions. (Use this link to view H. B. 1762)

The Good This Legislation Can Achieve

The implementation of this legislation can save women and children from abortion and close additional abortion facilities in Pa.

The implementation of this requirement in other states has resulted in the closure of abortion facilities because physicians committing abortions sometimes experience difficulty in obtaining admitting privileges.

What Can You Do To Pass H.B. 1762

1.  If your State House member is pro-life, please write to him or her with a request to co-sponsor H.B. 1762.  (The link above  of H.B. 1762 lists these co-sponsors.)

2.  Please write Rep. Ron Marsico, the Chairman of the Pa. House Judiciary Committee, and ask him to run H.B. 1762, as soon as reasonably possible.

     Rep. Marsico's contact information is: PO Box 202105, Harrisburg, PA 17120-2105; 717-783-2014;

     Given the records of the members of this Committee, H.B. 1762 would likely easily pass if run in this Committee.

3.  Please write Rep. Mike Turzai, the Pa. House Majority Leader, and ask him to run H.B. 1762, as soon as reasonably possible.

     Rep. Turzai's contact information is: PO Box 202028, Harrisburg, PA 17120-2028; 717-772-9943;

     Given the records of the Pa. House members, H.B. 1762 would likely easily pass if run in the full House.

At a recent meeting with other Pa. pro-life leaders and me, Pa. Senator Stewart Greenleaf, the Chairman of the Pa. Senate Judiciary Committee, indicated that he is open to running H.B. 1762 in this Committee, which has a pro-life majority.

Please act promptly to assist the passing of H.B. 1762.

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