
Monday, February 10, 2014

Declaration in Support of the Holy See at the United Nations

Last week a UN committee directed the Catholic Church to let children have sex and also to change Church teaching on contraception. The Committee also directed the Church to change its teaching on abortion and to let kids have abortions. The Committee also told the Church that its comments on homosexuality has caused violence against homosexuals. 

This is not the only recent attack on the Church at the UN. The awful baby-killing group "Catholics" for Choice has relaunched their global campaign to kick the Vatican out of the UN General Assembly. They want to reduce the Church to no more than an NGO (non-governmental organization). Along with this a delegate from Norway regularly complains in UN meetings that the Holy See has a seat at the table.

I urge you to go to right now and sign the Declaration in Support of the Holy See. I ask you to send this to all of your family and friends. I ask you to begin campaigns to get as many people to sign this as possible.

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