
Monday, February 10, 2014

Girl Scout Cookiecott Grabs Journalistic, Social Media And Family Attention

Cookiecott spreading like wild fire. Action items below.

From John Pisciotta
Director of Pro-Life Waco

Cookiecott has spread across the fruit plains and has invaded the left coasts.  Catch all the highlight at

I provide an action list below in support of the Cookiecott. PLEASE, we need your participation.

What can you do NOW to provide critical support for Cookiecott? Please do at least thee or four of the following. 

Here is the Cookiecott agenda for OUR side:

1. Communicate directly to Girl Scouts USA, 420 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY 10018 Phone 800-478-7248  email by going to

2.Go to and click the button for the flyer that is central to the boycott. You can print multiple copies. The flyer contains the main facts on Girl Scout associations with pro-abortion leaders, organizations, and agenda. All you have to do at a cookie sale is hand the flyer to an adult and say this explains why you're not buying. I know some of you feel like you want to support your local Girl Scout troop, which are very often wholesome in contrast to the national GSUSA. One option is to donate cash to the local troop or donate gift cards from Hobby Lobby. The local troop generally gets just 70 to 90¢ from each box of cookies sold.

3. Spread the word frequently on social media. For Twitter we are using #cookiecott

4. Write articles for on-line media, for newspaper editorials and letters about Cookiecott, and send them to newspapers online media sources and letters to the editor.

5. On-line “comments” on web articles. Do a Google search for “Girl Scout cookie boycott” Find the most recent ones.  Go to the article and it will often contain an opportunity to comment.  Write your point of view. The dark side is active. We need to be active too.

6. If you are involved in a pro-life, pro-family organization urge the organization to publicly endorse Cookiecott. Perhaps you lead an organization. The organization can send out communications to all members AND send a news release to local media about your endorsement. It was just this type of endorsement from Pro-Life Wisconsin that led to the Associated Press article and many news stories in Wisconsin.  You can do this in your state.

7. Talk to your friends, relatives, and pastors about Cookiecott. This is in large part an educational campaign. We want adults to have full knowledge of the Girl Scout USA agenda for children. Any church direct involvement with Girl Scouts should be scrutinized very closely. In my personal judgment, such associations should not continue. There are other scouting organizations to work with such as Awanas, Junior Catholic Daughters and American Heritage Girls.

8. Forward this throughout you sphere of influence and friendship.

9. Pray that all pro-lifers involved in Cookiecott will be granted the wisdom and prudence to follow our Lord who loved the little children so passionately.

This is our opportunity to act in loving concern for the futures and well-being of our children. Such opportunities do not come along often. I ask for your prayers in addition to your open and bold acts of support.