
Monday, February 17, 2014

Encyclopedia Acknowledges Fetal Pain As A Scientific Fact

By Elise Harris

 .- A new chapter published by Dr. Carlo Bellieni in a prestigious German encyclopedia explores the topic of fetal pain, stating that it is a proven fact that the unborn are able to feel pain, even as early as 20 weeks.

“Fetuses can feel pain. Now we should define it better, but it is a scientific matter of fact,” Dr. Bellini explained in a Feb. 14 interview with CNA.

“We still do not know the exact moment since when the sensation of pain is possible, but evidence allows us to say that it is possible since 20-22 weeks since conception.”

Dr. Bellieni is an Italian neonatologist and a bioethicist, and is also a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.  He serves as Secretary of the Bioethics Committee of the Italian Pediatrics Society, as well as on the Directive Board of the “Scienza e Vita” Association.

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