
Monday, February 17, 2014

Mom Expecting Identical Triplets Gets Surprise When Doctor Shouts, “More Feet!”

by Steven Ertelt
Kimberly Fugate was expecting identical triplets. After a grueling labor process and the birth of three children, Fugate was ready for some much-needed rest. But rest would have to wait as the doctor shouted, “More feet!”

“They had got the three out and they said, ‘More feet,’” the Mississippi mother said. Fugate is now the proud mother of a statistical improbability – four identical newborn babies.

From the ABC News report:

A fourth identical quadruplet had somehow been missed by numerous ultrasounds, managing to keep her existence hidden until she popped out behind three of her identical sisters last week at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

“It’s one surprise after another,” Fugate said.

The Fugate four, named Kenleigh Rosa, Kristen Sue, Kayleigh Pearl and Kelsey Roxanne after family members, arrived three months earlier than expected, and just a day before their mother’s 42nd birthday.

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