
Friday, February 21, 2014

JHU Voice For Life Overcomes Discrimination And Attacks Against Their Freedom Of Speech

Johns Hopkins Voice for Life Members                           

by Nancy Flanders
Live  Action News

Students for Life of America recently award Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Voice for Life as the Best New Group of the year, and with good reason. JHU Voice for Life had to overcome obstacles just to get their group started, facing attacks and discrimination from fellow students and the student government.

Their application to form a new group was initially rejected by the student government on the basis that the student government considered sidewalk counseling a form of harassment of women and therefore a violation of the university’s anti-harassment policies. In addition, they claimed the group’s web link to The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform was “offensive and poor representation of the school” and they couldn’t approve a group associated with it. Twice JHU Voice for Life was rejected, but once the news picked up their story, things changed.

“Fox News did a piece on us,” explains Andrew Guernsey, President of JHU Voice for Life, “Mike Huckabee and a lot of people started jumping on it because Hopkins is a big deal which is why we wanted to get the group going – because there are so many future medical leaders at Hopkins who don’t even think about abortion.”

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 Nancy Flanders is a work at home mom who writes about parenting, special needs children, and the right to life.

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