
Friday, February 21, 2014

Mocking Compassion: Euthanasia Beyond Belgium

 “In the absence of faith, we govern by tenderness.  And tenderness leads to the gas chamber.”  — Flannery O’Connor

by Mary Jo Anderson
Crisis Magazine
Beware of the compassionate. Catholic author Flannery O’Connor wrote shocking stories. Each tale climaxed at “a moment of grace” when the main character, jolted by the sudden realization of their false “compassionate,” self-serving life, was forced to choose—or reject—truth.  Modern Western cultures have had a jolt. On February 13, the Belgian parliament voted 86 to 44 in favor of a bill that permits euthanasia for very young children.  We can no longer pin a wig over the bald truth of the culture of death.

The controversial bill, already approved by the Belgian senate in December, erected flimsy thresholds, such as “constant and unbearable physical pain” and consent of parents.  A pediatric psychologist will be consulted to insure that the child is “capable of discernment” and understands the gravity of the choice.  The law takes effect when Belgium’s King Philippe signs the measure.  His signature however is merely symbolic; withholding it will not forestall the law, though it would stand as a significant moment in Belgian history.  Some pediatricians and the Catholic hierarchy opposed the bill.

Among few others, Flemish Christian Democratic senator, Els Van Hoof fought the bill.  “They [children] can’t drink before they’re 16. They can’t smoke before they’re 16. They can’t vote before they’re 18. They can’t marry before they’re 18. They can’t be punished because they don’t have the competence. But when they talk about life and death, they can decide? It’s not coherent,” the Senator said. Others insisted the measure is part of the development of Human Rights, and all should have self determination of their own death. How, precisely, this differs from suicide is never articulated.

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