
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Planned Parenthood Takes the Lead in Obamacare’s Enrollment Army

by Steven Ertelt

 When Congress passed Obamacare, it did so over the objections of the pro-life community, which pointed out the ways in which it would fund abortions and send taxpayer dollars to the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

As the Obama administration struggles to sign up people for Obamacare, which is already rationing care as patients are denied or delayed treatment and hospitals and doctors offices closes, Planned Parenthood is taking the lead to assist the administration in signing up more Americans for the boondoggle.

The working relationship with the Obama administration will make it easy for America’s largest abortion business to sign up more customers for abortions and to plug them into their political system pushing and promoting pro-abortion candidates like President Obama. This is all funded with taxpayer dollars.

As the New York Times reports:

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