
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Spirit Of The Law Of Abortion

Preborn baby at 12 weeks gestation
by Doc Kimble
Abortion enthusiasts say the life of the mother takes precedence over the life of the preborn child....except in cases where the mother's life isn't considered life worth living by the abortion enthusiasts. In those cases, say abortion enthusiasts, it is permissible to terminate the life of the mother and the child in her womb, without waiting for the child to have a chance at life outside the womb. This lack of concern for the lives of pregnant women is why abortion enthusiasts support the abortionist in all cases, regardless of circumstance.

When an abortionist commits one execution, it is permissible for him to commit any number of other executions. The conditions of the execution chamber are of no concern to abortion enthusiasts. The workers at abortion chambers may quit any time they desire, and their mental and physical health is of no concern to abortion enthusiasts. Abortionists are state sponsored executioners of life not worthy of life.

As long as abortion enthusiasts are satisfied that the executions should go forward, the state is perfectly happy to accommodate them and punish anyone who would deny them that right to choose death, including the death of any pregnant woman whose life is considered unworthy of medical intervention to save. Those persons who want the personhood of the preborn person to be recognized as equal to the life of the mother (and vice versa) have no right under the law of abortion to make that case before any court in the country.

This is the spirit of the law of abortion.

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