
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Pro-Life Discrimination At The University Of Alabama

 From Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life of America

Since the March for Life and Walk for Life, our team has been spread out on campuses across the nation helping to start new pro-life groups and plan new events to help educate this generation about the grim reality of abortion. 

And we're facing some new discrimination and hostility from campuses administrations.

Last Thursday, our 2014 Group the Year, Bama Students for Life at the University of Alabama, found out that their approved pro-life display had been torn down by a campus administrator because she deemed it "offensive."

Despite allowing "artistic" displays of male full frontal nudity and blood-stained advertisements for a campus play called "Blood Wedding," the Bama Students for Life display, which featured abortion facts, pictures of women who died as a result of having a legal abortion, and two small pictures of aborted babies, was deemed to go too far. 
This is wrong. 

Too many times, our students are simply too busy with classes and saving babies to report the discrimination
they face. Instead, they go on, take their troubles with their administration in stride, and try a new approach. But we can't ignore this behavior anymore, and I am so proud of Bama Students for Life for coming forward and asking how they can stand up for their first amendment rights.

We've joined forces with the Alliance Defending Freedom, and we are ready to push back. A public university is supposed to foster the free exchange of ideas and speech, but this is not happening at the University of Alabama.

Today, can you help me push back and send a message to the University of Alabama?

Will you call the University of Alabama Ferguson Center Director, Mr. Carl Bacon, at 205-348-8232 and ask him to apologize to Bama Students for Life and allow them to put their display back up ASAP?

With your help, we'll send Alabama a message that pro-life students have just as many rights as everyone else.

Please use this link to help the Bama Students for Life and make sure they have all the resources they need to fight this injustice

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