
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Time To Speak For Ourselves

 From Helen Alvare
Women Speak for Themselves

Yesterday, Planned Parenthood tweeted a video of their president Cecile Richards, highlighting what they think #WhatWomenNeed for Valentine's Day. As you can see from the screen shot included here, Planned Parenthood continues to claim to speak for all women. And unsurprisingly, they continue to think women need more abortion and more birth control.

One of our WSFT members emailed me (THANKS so much, Mary!), suggesting that we respond to Cecile with pictures of ourselves saying what women REALLY need. So, let's speak for pro-life, pro-religious liberty about it?! 
Here's the plan:
1) Take a picture of yourself holding a sign that says:
#WhatWomenNeed Fill in the blank
Ideas include i.e Love; Commitment; Meaningful relationships, not just empty sex; Better maternity benefits; Less interference with how they raise their children; Religious Freedom, etc. 
2) Send us a copy of your picture or to our Facebook Page.
3) We'll post the picture on our Facebook page, and we encourage you to post your picture on your page, too! Also, if you tweet your photo out, please add us to your tweet @womenspeak2012
 Let's show social media the beautiful faces of pro-life women!! 

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